Friday, August 10, 2012

August 7, 2012

My first weekend off!  It is hard to think of it in any sort of normal terms as my weekends are now Sundays and Mondays, and my sleep schedule is so different.

On Sunday, I was invited to brunch at Mike Shaieb and Brent Lord's amazing apartment in the West Village.  As it was actually my "evening," I felt free to have a few glasses of...  whatever it was they were serving.  Some delicious mixture of wine and liquor.  Mike made gluten free pancakes, and poached eggs paired with a whole strawberry and baby spinach salad.  Amazing.

This same day, on the Sunday morning which is my afternoon, I got into some very heated debates on FB.  I know, I know...  It's completely pointless to argue over religion and politics on this waste of life called Facebook, but I want to be able to express myself without having some Xtian show up and tell me I'm intolerant.  Just because I may point out how silly your beliefs are doesn't mean I am not allowing you to believe.  If you get offended, it is only because you are insecure in those beliefs.  Blah blah blah...

I don't get all the spitting going on in this city.  Spit on the sidewalk, spit on the train platform, spit ON THE ROTATING GLASS DOOR OF MY BUILDING.  Does spitting make you more of a man?  Spitting, like smoking makes me so angry I could almost... spit!

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