Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude Day 3:  I am grateful to be a member of the GMCW family.

Favorite Red and Greene concert moments:
1. Dancing with so many dedicated friends, and feeling the support of our singing brothers behind us.
2. Standing off-stage in the wings preparing to dance, and listening to the Chorus sing any given song.  If I hadn't had mascara on, I would have let the tears fall.
3. Singing with the Chorus in the three numbers that I could make it on stage for.  Nothing makes me more proud than to stand shoulder to shoulder with these men, and lend my voice to the beauty orchestrated by Jeff Buhrman.  How can so many voices sing so softly and tenderly?
4. Warming up with the chorus, and looking at all the faces that make up this family.
5. Singing with Potomac Fever.  The love we share off-stage shines through when we join together in song.

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